Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scarborough Issues

Scarborough issues Both the Philippines and China continue to assert sovereignty over the same area in the South China Sea. We therefore have an â€Å"international dispute,† an element necessary before one can go to an international court. We want to settle the dispute through the judicial resolution provision in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos); but China does not. That is the bind we are in. Suppose, however, that China eventually agrees to go to court. Can the Unclos be the source of resolution?If we appeal to the convention, will we be contradicting ourselves, as some claim, by laying claim to an area which is outside the geographical limits of Philippine territory as delineated in the Treaty of Paris? Indeed, the Treaty of Paris is a good starting point. But the treaty is an 1890 document drafted and entered into on the basis of the understanding of what maritime laws were at that time and their limitations. At that time the division of the la w of waters was only between the territorial sea and the high seas. It said nothing beyond territorial waters.However, more jurisdictional divisions beyond territorial waters have developed since 1890. The territorial sea, as originally conceived, was the body of water which a coastal state could defend with the current range of cannons, a rather short distance. This was later expanded to the present 12 nautical miles. Within the territorial sea a coastal state could exercise certain restricted rights. Beyond the territorial sea were the high seas which were open to use and exploration by all. Things have changed radically since the early development of international law. The division into territorial sea and high seas is still there.But there have now come to be recognized certain zones of jurisdiction beyond the territorial waters. These developments are functional and resource-oriented and have come to threaten those who rely on traditional maritime rules. Thus, when you read of 22 Chinese vessels preventing Filipino vessels from entering the area around Scarborough Shoal, this is the problem we want the Unclos to resolve. The Unclos is not just a codification of customary international law but also goes beyond traditionally accepted rules. What are the new developments? First of all, we have to think of baselines.The Unclos allows states to draw baselines along the low water mark surrounding a coastal state. The baselines can either follow the indentations of the coast or they can be straight lines drawn from point to point. Straight baselines are allowed in archipelagos like the Philippines. Following the Unclos, we drew our baselines through the adoption of Republic Act 9522 modifying an earlier law. The baselines are important because the various zonal jurisdictions begin from there. Inward from the baselines are the internal waters over which a state exercises the same kind of jurisdiction it has over land.Outward from the baselines are 12 nautical mil es of territorial sea. This is still traditional international law. But recently there have been recognized, beyond the territorial sea and within the high seas, new zones of limited jurisdiction. These new zones of limited jurisdiction are the contiguous zone (24 nautical miles), exclusive economic zone (200 nautical miles), and the continental shelf. These are covered by complicated rules that are under the Unclos. In some areas there has also been recognized an exclusive fish zone (200 nautical miles). The new zones, especially the exclusive economic zones of neighboring states, can overlap.The rules for resolving overlapping jurisdictions are also found in the Unclos. The Philippines has been asking China to go to court to resolve issues that have arisen in the Scarborough area. We also have issues with other neighboring states. These too will eventually have to be resolved through the Unclos. The problem we have with China is not just about waters but also about land area. A st ate’s claim to any portion of the sea begins from its terrestrial jurisdiction. We have conflicting terrestrial jurisdiction with China. We are claiming land areas that are outside the lines drawn by the Treaty of Paris.The challenge for us is to be able to justify our claims under the present state of international law. Merely citing the shape or date of old maps will not settle the issues. The Philippines will not abandon its claim simply on the basis of the lines of the 1890 Treaty of Paris. We should not surrender our claims simply on the basis of old maps. There is new international law jurisprudence on conflicting land claims which have to be studied to see how applicable it is to the current conflicting claims. This is a challenge to the Philippine government. Is solidifying our claim to terrestrial area essential to winning our maritime claims?Under RA 9522 we reasserted our claim to a â€Å"regime of islands† outside the Philippine archipelago. Islands, accord ing to the Unclos, also have their maritime jurisdiction. (I am not sure if Scarborough Shoal qualifies as an island under Unclos. ) But the waters there are 120 nautical miles off the Zambales mainland, or within our exclusive economic zone. That is one basis of our claim, a good point to start from. P. S. Incidentally, Dr. Benito Legarda Jr. corrected me when I said in a previous column that Bajo de Masinloc means Below Masinloc. He is right. I have found since then that â€Å"Bajo† is the old form of â€Å"bajio† which means shoal.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Journal Article Critique

Journal Article Critique I chose to read the article, â€Å"Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis† written by Andrew P Hearn and Eli Silber. It is an understanding about osteoporosis and the connection it might have with multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to patients that do not have multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disability that affects a great amount of young adults. The longer a person has multiple sclerosis, the more the person loses strength in there bones. Osteoporosis occurs when the body does not absorb the required amount of bone mineral density (BMD), which reduces bone strength. Both men and women have different factors that can increase the risks of getting osteoporosis. This article explains that MS is the second cause of disability (neurological), along with one sixth of white women in their lifetime will have a hip fracture. Diagnosing osteoporosis for men and women along with their risk factors are included in this reading. This article also contains past results from studies of multiple sclerosis patients with bone mass density. Some risk factor levels are unclear and large-scale studies are needed for clear results and connections. Along with this information, it includes management guidelines for the general population that has osteoporosis. This reading also includes insight of the process of chronic inflammatory with multiple sclerosis along with the role of vitamin D in both osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis. This article has a great impact for health care professionals with the information that it gives and in the areas where more research is needed. It is also important because it shows the connection that medication, vitamins, and minerals have and which ones have a greater impact on multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis in both men and women. It is also important because the results include congenital, acquired, lifestyle, and latrogenic factors. These factors are necessary for health care providers to compare these results to their own patients as well as being helpful for future studies. This reading is also important because it shows what bones have a greater risk associated with bone mass density (BMD). This current evidence is a useful guideline for management protocol until more evidence is acquired. Resources Hearn, A. P. , & Silber, E. (2010). Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis,  16(9), 1031. Turley, S. (2011). Medical language: Immerse yourself (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Medical Terminology Breakdown |Medical Word |Prefix |Combining form |Suffix |Definition | |1 |osteoporosis |None |oste/o- (bone), por/o- |-osis (condition; abnormal |abnormal rarefaction of bone | | | | |(small opining, pores) |conditions, process) | | |5 |chronic |None |Chron/o- (time) |-ic (pertaining to) |disease that persists over a long period| | | | | | | | |6 |inflammatory |None |Inflamat/o- (redness and |-ory (having the function |Having the function of redness and | | | | |warmth) |of) |warmth | |7 |demineralization |de- (reversal of;|mineral/o- (mineral; |-ization (pertaining to) |pertaining to lack of | | | |without) |electrolyte) | |mineral/electrolyte | |8 |anticoagulant |anti- (against) |coagul/o- (clotting) |-ant (pertaining to) |A substance that prevents the clotting | | | | | | |of blood. | |9 |lumbar |None |lumb/o- (lower back, area |-ar (pertaining to) |part of the back and sides between the | | | | |between the ribs and | |lowest ribs and the pelvis | | | | |pelvis) | | | |10 |femoral |None |femor/o- (thigh bone) |-al (pertaining to) |pertaining to the femur or the thigh |

Monday, July 29, 2019

Should liquor ads be allowed on television Essay

Should liquor ads be allowed on television - Essay Example Firstly, most liquor advertisements downplay the factual attributes of the product by focusing on the generation of images and contexts that connote camaraderie, escape, refreshment, and relaxation. Secondly, the youth’s exposure to liquor advertisements often lead to the youth’s heightened interest, trial at young age or increase in frequency and volume of consumption. From a business perspective, advertising is meant to stir the awareness, induce purchase, develop the consumption habit, and build loyalty of the target consumers on the company’s products and services. In the U.S. alone, companies spend nearly $2billion yearly for advertising on both mainstream and digital media, according to a position paper entitled Alcohol Advertising and the Youth. Furthermore, almost 2 million advertising placements on television have been made between 2001 and 2006. Approximately 20% of television alcohol advertisements were on programming that the youth age 12 to 20 were m ore likely to watch than adults of legal drinking age. This finding reinforces the assumption that the companies deem the youth as primary target market of their advertisements. In a similar vein, a briefing paper entitled The Advertising of Alcohol, in support of Increased Restrictions stated that the broadening of communication venues for liquor advertisements through the addition of sponsorship, competition, and special promotions in the brands’ campaign plan underscore the companies’ goal of communicating the relevance of liquor products to the youth.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Family Law Child Welfare Principle Parent Autonomy Essay

Family Law Child Welfare Principle Parent Autonomy - Essay Example UK has centuries’ long history of childcare legislation that began with the series of Poor Laws implemented from 16th to mid-20th century defining the powers and responsibilities of the children regarding childcare. These laws were followed by The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857, Children Act 1948 and The Children and Young Persons Act 19692. The most comprehensive, integrated and far reaching reforms to the child care law were introduced in 1989 as The Children Act 1989. This consensus legislation combines public and private law provisions under one umbrella and the current child protection system is also based upon this law. The Children Act 1989 guides all the court proceedings and decisions regarding the matter of child upbringing or his property administration. The Children Act 1989 has decided the paramount considerations for the welfare of the child by clarifying that the welfare of child is supposed to be the first priority while making an order3. The law asserts that w hile making a decision the court has to consider the wishes and feelings of the child and efforts should be made to preserve the home and family links of the child. The core concept of parental responsibility was also defined under thus law. It has been explains that the parental responsibilities are "the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property† (section 3). Since all the statuary laws have to be interpreted by the courts this legislation also guides the court while deciding different types of cases about child care and custody. This law possesses crucial importance within the England family laws because it determines the boundaries and authorities of the parents while dealing with the matters involving their children. The court is also supposed to use these guidelines and principles while making the decisions of the cases of the child custody and care. These principles also clarified that the w elfare of child automatically prevails over the rights of all other family members including parents4. Though these principles have been regarded as milestone in the legislative history of childcare but it also raises the question about the balance between child welfare and the rights of other family members. It places certain responsibilities and duties upon the parents while the rights of the parents are not explicitly defined and explained. Prior to these laws and principles, the fathers were given the rights to make the decisions for their child rather than court5. The father was deemed as the natural guardian of the child eligible for making the decisions for his legitimate child unless any sign of danger or cruelty is exposed. However, the changes in the family laws and welfare principles changed the earlier approach and concerns towards the childcare. The interest of the child was introduced by Court of Chancery as justification to interfering with the rights of the father.6 After these decisions, a gradual change occurred within the welfare principles and by early 1890s the welfare of child evolved as a dominant matter. The legislations asset that the courts have to give importance to the wishes and feelings of the children as it is the core principle of child welfare. It raises the questi

Case study of (Starbucks has not paid The UK corporation tax 2012)

Of (Starbucks has not paid The UK corporation tax 2012) - Case Study Example According to this theory, an organisation is part of the society in which it operates (Benoit, 2000). An organisation, therefore, is supposed to adhere to certain, explicit or implicit, norms and values. The voluntary disclosures therefore are seen as biased because they are influenced by the interaction of the firm and that particular society. This theory, therefore, emphasizes that the vehicle for voluntary disclosure and the information disclosed be analyzed in context of the society in which the organisation operates (Benoit, 1995). Closely related to the system oriented theories is the legitimacy theory. This theory states that the organisation derives its legitimacy from the society in which it operates. Therefore, the society has a multitude of implicit and explicit expectations on the organisation which the organisation should not forego. A firm can only be seen as legitimate if its status, condition or operations are in sync with the society’s expectations. The societ y supports legitimate businesses (Islam and Deegan, 2010). One of the ways to legitimize a business is by making voluntary disclosures for the benefit of the society. ... This theory states that when a crisis becomes a threat a reputation-conscious organisation will always respond to save its image, identity or reputation by voluntarily releasing information that directly counters that which is eroding its reputation. This theory proposes a wide variety of measures to be taken including excuses, justification, denial and apologies (Freeman, 1984). The Case Context Starbucks is the second largest restaurant chain globally after McDonalds. It is valued at $40 billion. The company has many units distributed across the globe and the focus of this literature will be the UK unit. In the year ending September 30th 2012 the company’s UK unit recorded a loss in its operations consequently failing to pay the corporate income tax for the third year in a row (Bergin, 2012). The information was first released by Reuters who asserted that even though the company was recording losses, its management was still declaring it as a viable undertaking with lessons to be emulated by other firms and branches. This mixed information to investors and the taxman brewed a crisis with the esteemed customers with the British government accusing Starbucks of tax evasion (Neville, 2012). Data In its 14 years of operations in the UK, Starbucks had never recorded a profit; this is despite making sales of over $4.8 billion (3 billion UK pounds). According to Her Majesty Revenue and Customs authority, Starbucks had failed to declare any profits during its entire period in operation in the UK managing to pay only 8.6 million UK pounds in 14 years. McDonalds, its main rival, managed to pay as corporate income tax of 80 million UK pounds from its 3.6 billion worth of sales in the UK market and the third largest

Saturday, July 27, 2019

'radical change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

'radical change - Essay Example On the other hand, in the development process, a large organisation may come face-to-face with momentous need for radical and fundamental change. In most instances, changes in a large organisation may be triggered by several circumstances that include: emerging threat from a competitor, decision to expand the company’s market, unexpected reduction in the company’s production and profitability, change in customers’ needs and demands as well as sharp slide in the company’s production (Pardo Del Val and Fuentes 2003, p.149). Therefore, to ensure the success of any radical change in an organisation, leader and managers ought to come up with a promising and an effective mechanism to facilitate effective implementation of the required change. Additionally, the adoption of a strategy that would incorporate ideas and views from all stakeholders is also essential and critical for the company’s development (Thornhill, Lewis, Millmore, and Saunders 2000, p.11) . The essay below will as a result identify and expound on the most effective means of addressing the financial crises in Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Limited

Friday, July 26, 2019

Macbeth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macbeth - Assignment Example After the king is dead, Macbeth utters these words to show how deeply he is moved by his death. Macbeth shows how much he loved the king and how his life was just perfect when the king was alive. If he had died before the king’s departure he wouldn’t have been alive to see him fall – such an emotional stir it creates in the minds of the listeners! The reason for this ‘love’ for the king simply dripping from his words is because Macbeth is now afraid, that Macduff knows it was him who killed the king. So to show his utmost devotion and servitude for the late king, he uses this concealed treacherous love bloom in the hopes of ridding himself of the stench of king’s blood. Such equivocation doesn’t really have two meanings, it is nothing but deceit, an artful lie to let the world know how much Macbeth loved the king. It is words like these that help evil geniuses like Macbeth build an honest repute with fraudulent methods. Macbeth was a general in King Duncan’s army it would have been so foolish of him to have openly criticized the king or to openly challenge him. His equivocal words like the quote above helped him to rank higher from Thane of Glamis to Thane of Cawdor and then to become the king of Scotland. In this last quote Macbeth gives his reason for not killing Banquo when he is talking to the murderers. The equivocation is in the sense that he is addressing murderers yet his intent is to share it with Banquo. Killing a man doesn’t really require killing him with one’s own hand. The better option is to get someone else do the job, this way there is always enough doubt to get away with the murder. Macbeth uses words such as â€Å"could† and phrases like â€Å"yet, I must not†. This is classic equivocation, deceit to let thanes know that he had all the resources to kill Banquo but he didn’t as they both share common friends (enough reason

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Published opinion of Rosa Brooks from Los Angeles Times analysis Personal Statement

Published opinion of Rosa Brooks from Los Angeles Times analysis - Personal Statement Example Because as economists put it, when US cough, the world catches cold. The recent years have seen the stronger and tighter relations among nations as they open up their borders for freer trade through the formation of trade blocs and regional partnership. Aside from local produce, most of the consumers' income in US is spent in cheaper imported goods coming from Asian trading partners like China, Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. These nations have long been the biggest trading partners of US and have long benefited from the strong demand in our country. With the technological development, services have also been imported from these nations as well through business process outsourcing. So, with these nations heavily dependent on US partnership, it is irrefutable that the economic recession in our country will also bring about slowdown in other smaller and less stable economies. On the other hand, the collapse of Lehman Brothers is also expected to sabotage growth in the Eurozone. So, it's not just the US which should be given with this letter and th e much needed economic assistance from IMF and WB.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Qualitiative Analysis on Diabetes Research Paper

Qualitiative Analysis on Diabetes - Research Paper Example The findings of the study show that communication and education combined with cultural differences create a difficult environment in which to treat diabetes in regards to this ethnic minority group. The results suggest that more time needs to be taken by doctors and dieticians to explain the causes and effects of the disease and how best to treat it with an understanding of the social and dietary differences of the community. Information needs to be available to patients and family members in a language they understand and in relation to the activities of their daily lives. There are many different ethnic minority groups in large communities that frequently accept immigrants and this is just a sample of how one such group can suffer emotionally and physically because treatment options are catered to a majority lifestyle. Only when doctors, educators, and the public make a point to diagnose, treat, and teach about diseases in a context familiar to the daily lives of those suffering fr om them will, no matter how small the group, they be able to work in conjunction with their patients. Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the role of diabetes mellitus in the Lebanese community of Sydney, Australia. Methods This is a primary data analysis of a survey of twenty-five Lebanese individuals living in Sydney, Australia. ... agnoses, how the diagnosis was made, major physical and emotional effects on health, communication between health care provider and patient, major difficulties regarding the disease, and quality of life. Conclusions The results of this study provide a unique perspective into the Lebanese community and the affect of social and cultural differences of immigrants and their experiences with diabetes. Lebanese immigrants in Australia often are not diagnosed with diabetes until middle age. They find it difficult to adjust their previous living habits to what they see as Western ideas. Communication about the disease is difficult because many immigrants do not speak the native English language. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. There are multiple types of diabetes, the most common being Type 2. Type 2 diabetes most often develops in adults but can occur in younger people as well. The person’s pancreas does not secrete enough insul in to maintain normal levels of glucose and his or her body can begin to respond poorly to insulin. With obesity numbers rising and people exercising less and less, Type 2 diabetes is seen at a growing rate and many of the people diagnosed are completely unaware that they were affected. The increasing cases of diabetes amongst Lebanese people are also a cause of worry. Sydney is host to a large number of Lebanese people, migrated to the country, hence the city, in search of better job opportunities living standards. There are many studies indicating increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus in these families. These have been ascribed to hereditary factors, food habits, prevalence of metabolic syndrome, and increased consanguinity over many generations (Abou-Daoud, 1969). Acculturation is a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact of modern Western social Evolutionism Essay

Impact of modern Western social Evolutionism - Essay Example Even after Buddhism stopped to be the key religion of India, there was prolonged influence of development of material culture in china. Majority of the Buddhist scriptures and philosophers eliminated the existence with great enthusiasm and anxiety. The believers embraced the existing objects and doctrines as a way of expressing their religious beliefs. Majority of the Chinese in the communities tended to reject the roles which seemed to be indifferent (Morreall, John, and Tamara 32). Buddhism was preferable as it was antithetical to Daoism, which was the main religion in China. The major difference was the fact that Daoism started and inculcated harmony while Buddhism was aimed at mastering the internal world. The Chinese aspect was diverse from the religion of the Central Asian travelers and their religions. Concepts such as monasticism and personal spiritual enlighten directly contradicted the Confucian ethics that governed the family and emperors. The Chinese officials questioned how the monk’s personal attainment benefited the empire at whole. Buddhism has transformed into a system that exists and is advantageous among the Chinese way of life. Hence, the Indian sutras have managed to advocate for the filial piety which makes up the main text of china’s monarchial system (Morreall, John, and Tamara 41).... The Red River Delta was used as efficient impede due to the successful trade of the Chinese millennium. There were numerous goods and ideas that were brought by the Vietnamese. Buddhism was brought from India, and during most of the periods a lot of people embraced Buddhism and adopted the indigenous religions and world values. As the Red River Delta thrived, the population began to grow southwards towards the narrow coastal regions (Morreall, John, and Tamara 46). The Vietnamese settlers flooded into the untilled lands and turned them into rice plantations. The inability of ruling the Le dynasty or deal with other predicaments resulted to the partitioning of the country by nobility in the sixteenth century. The Chinese constructed roads and harbors where the government derived their revenue through the public works project to facilitate the administration of new territories. Agriculture was enhanced through the advancement of irrigation methods and the use of plough and animals, the se innovations had been noticed among the Vietnamese who had practiced in a lower scale. When new lands were initiated for agriculture, majority of the Chinese settlers eventually intermarried with the Vietnamese and together they formed and settled on their homeland. During the first and second centuries, there was the rise of the Han Viet class that conveyed large portions of rice plantations (Morreall, John, and Tamara 51). The Vietnamese had settled in China and adopted their society and languages. The Chinese vocabulary and practical words were used in their new generation and culture. During the second A.D, there occurred a rebellion that was a result of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Challenging environment Essay Example for Free

Challenging environment Essay Mrs. Dae is a 28 year old Caucasian female. She presents clean and well dressed. She is approximately 5’ 6†, 145 lbs. She appears healthy and in shape. No visible physical deformities. She has normal gate. She is open and cooperative. She has a normal rate of speech and makes appropriate eye contact. Mrs. Dae expresses herself appropriately. In discussing family history, Mrs. Dae has little trouble recalling events. She is unaware of some family history on her father’s side. Mrs. Dae is orientated x 4. She has logical thought process. Mrs. Dae is alert, however, states she has been busy lately and is tired today. She reports getting approximately 6-8 hours of sleep nightly. Mrs. Dae is able to count backward from 100 by 7’s. She displays logical thought processes. No report of hallucinations or delusions. Mrs. Dae appears to have good judgment and insight. She is of high intelligence and is able to appropriately explain the meaning of a common proverb. (â€Å"A rolling stone gathers no moss†) (â€Å"How to†). Mrs. Dae appears happy and confident, with appropriate affect. During the interview Mrs. Dae was relaxed and participated in spontaneous conversation. She denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation. Strengths/ Weaknesses: Mrs. Dae is highly educated. She appears confidant with high self esteem. She reports she enjoys caring for others. She has good insight and appears to have good coping skills. Mrs. Dae has a supportive family. In terms of weaknesses, Mrs. Dae admits to taking on too many activities at once and at times she feels â€Å"burned out†. Family History: Mrs. Dae is the second of three children and grew up in a typical middle class American home. She has an older brother and a younger sister. Mrs. Dae’s parents were divorced when she was 7 years old. Ms. Dae and her siblings lived with their mother. Mrs. Dae reports her father was verbally and physically abusive toward her mother. This was the reason for the divorce. She does not recall being the victim of such abuse herself. However, she reports that her mother tells her that her father was â€Å"mean to all of us† (referring to Ms. Dae, her siblings and mother). Mrs. Dae denies any sexual abuse. Shortly after the divorce, Mrs. Dae reports all three children stopped seeing their father. She currently has no relationship with her father, however she reports speaking to him on the phone occasionally. Aside from these events, Mrs. Dae reports a normal childhood. She reports discipline as a child in the form of â€Å"grounding, which rarely occurred†. Mrs. Dae is currently married. She has been married for the past 8 years. She denies any previous marriages. Ms. Dae describes her marriage as â€Å"good†. She states she and her husband attended marriage counseling for approximately 3 months earlier in their marriage. Mrs. Dae reports that her husband has a well paying job. She denies any current financial hardship. The couple recently bought their first home. She reported some stress during the process. However, she did not think it was â€Å"more then would be expected when buying a home†. Mrs. Dae and her husband have one child, a 5 year old girl. Education and Work: Mrs. Dae graduated high school in the top 10% of her class and went on to college. She majored in psychology and graduated Cum Laude. She continued to earn her Master of Science degree. Mrs. Dae currently works with at risk youth in the prevention and advocacy department of a non-profit company. She has been with her current employer for one year. She reports being satisfied with her job. She states she makes â€Å"good† money and the work she does is rewarding. Mrs. Dae stated she plans on returning to school in the near future for her PhD in Psychology. Her long term goal is to go into private practice serving youth. Mental/ Physical Health: There is no known history of mental illness on her mother’s side of the family. Mrs. Dae reported there may be depression on her father’s side. Mrs. Dae denies any form of depression aside from â€Å"the blues† every now and then. Mrs. Dae reports history of cancer on both sides of her family. Mrs. Dae participates in annual physical examinations. According to her last physical she is in good health. Mrs. Dae denies substance use. She stated she will drink a glass of wine â€Å"once in a while†. Mrs. Dae denies tobacco use. Legal History: Mrs. Dae denies any significant legal history, aside from a few traffic tickets. Social: Mrs. Dae reports she has a group of friends, other married couples, that she and her husband spend time with. She is also a member of her church and participates in social events at the church. As her child recently started attending elementary school, Mrs. Dae stated she has joined the school’s Parent-Teacher Association. Spiritual: Mrs. Dae reports growing up Catholic but she did not go to church often as a child. She states that she no longer practices Catholicism, however, she does go to a non denominational Christian church. She goes to church on a regular basis. She feels strongly about her beliefs. Mrs. Dae reports that she prays on a daily basis and stated â€Å"this keeps me grounded†. Hobbies/Activities: Mrs. Day states she enjoys reading, yoga, and going to the spa with friends. She admits she has little time to spend on these activities. However, she reports that she and her husband give each other time with their friends, time together, and family time on a regular basis. References How to do a Mental Status Exam. Retrieved on November 9, 2007 from

Embracing Change Essay Example for Free

Embracing Change Essay If Barack Obama were reelected as the United States President, would change transpire? Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, Eva Longoria took the podium at the Democratic National Convention just before 8:20p.m on September 6, 2012. Eva Longoria was asked by the Democratic Party to speak on behalf of Barack Obama, with the primary intent to target the Latino population, especially women. On the surface, it appeared that Eva Longoria’s purpose was to speak publically in support of the Democratic Party, but the real reason Longoria was asked to speak was because of her star-quality. Many party supporters believe her popularity will attract the attention of Latinos and women voters in favor of Obama’s re-election to the United States Presidency. Through the use of pathos and ethos, Eva Longoria’s well-known status within our society helped her to effortlessly capture the audience’s attention, primarily Latino women, and directing them to the significance of education and the importance of boosting the economy in her speech, I Don’t Need a Tax Break. The audience, of whom Eva Longoria is addressing, has strong political views. They value the significance of education, as well as the value of a strong, stabilized economy. Furthermore, the audience bears specific demographics in gender, social status, class, and occupation. The primary audience that Eva Longoria targeted within her speech, Latinos and women, suffer from the burdens of high taxes, unemployment, unequal pay, as well as a shortage in capital for a quality college education. The audience is aware that these problems exist within our country; however they do not know how change can be made. They are looking for leadership and feel hopeful when promised support by a â€Å"star† sharing the same cultural background. They are quick to overlook the fact that Eva Longoria does not share their financial struggles. The audience believes life can be better, but are naà ¯ve as to how these change can be made. The captivated audience becomes misguided, which in turn affec ts their listening. They only wanted to hear Eva Longoria speak on behalf of the current President Barack Obama, about hope and a promising future. In order for the audience to have reasons for evaluating the speech, I Don’t Need a Tax Break, Longoria stuck to Obama’s goals by expressing the Democratic appeals and following Obama’s presidential plan point-by-point. The relationship between the audience and the speaker is strong because as Longoria indicated in her speech, â€Å"Just like our president and first lady, I took out loans to pay for school. I changed oil in a mechanic shop, I flipped burgers at Wendy’s, I taught aerobics, and I worked on campus to pay them back† (Katz). This quote denoted the hardships that Longoria has faced first-hand throughout the first chapters of her life. This helped her connect to the audience and appear sympathetic to the struggles they are experiencing. Furthermore, Longoria encouraged them to support the Obama campaign so widespr ead economic struggles can be conquered. The audience expects a lot from Longoria because, unlike any other average citizen, Longoria exerts star-quality, which makes her voice and opinion more valuable. On the other hand, Longoria expects the audience to understand and believe that change is possible with their vote for the re-election of President Barack Obama. The audience has the expectations that Eva Longoria will ensure that the changes she has promoted will be followed through during the presidents second term in office. If Obama is re-elected as the President of the United States, the audience should begin to witness change within our society. In order to effectively sway the public vote into Obama’s favor, it is justified through the combined use of electronic, spoken, and print media. All forms of media have both advantages and disadvantages even when used appropriately. It is important to understand the audience to be most successful. In the case of the, I don’t Need a Tax Break speech, oral communication was used to convey its message most effectively. Oral communication increases the credibility of the speaker’s overall message. It can create an emotional connection between the viewer and the speaker, as well as, allow for immediate question and response following the speech. Thus any questions that the audience may have can be clarified following the speech. Throughout Eva Longoria’s speech, she addressed the audience using clear diction making sure each and every word were understood and processed by the viewers. The last sentence of her speech she expressed the phrase, â€Å"Sà ­, se puede† (yes, you can) (Katz) appealing to her Latino Spanish-speaking audience. Eva Longoria wanted the audience to feel that voting for Obama would generate adjustments within our society. Within her speech, she used causes and effects of certain phenomena. In hopes of persuading the Latinos and women who are currently, â€Å"some of the remaining undecided and independent voters,† (Been) she stressed the importance of education. Eva Longoria grew up as the youngest of four girls, with the understanding that for her family, â€Å"education was not an option and was a cardinal priority† (Katz). Therefore, even though Eva Longoria does not have children, she would want them to have the opportunity to receive a worthwhile education. Moreover, in the YouTube video titled, Eva Longoria DNC Speech Democratic National Convention, Eva Longoria referred to America as, â€Å"a nation that rewards ambition with opportunity, where hard work can lead to success no matter where you start.† Furthermore, Eva Longoria continues her argument by explaining Barack Obama’s central purpose in the YouTube video, Eva Longoria DNC Speech Democratic National Convention, â€Å"Our president understands the concept of American opportun ity because he has lived it, and he is fighting to help others achieve it.† In addition to education, she emphasized Obama’s desire to lower taxes for â€Å"any working American,† (Katz) create equal pay for women, and to aid small businesses. This aid would spark new job opportunities by â€Å"helping them get loans and cut their taxes eighteen times† (Katz). During her speech, Longoria continuously pointed out the disparities between Obama’s Democratic appeals and Mitt Romney’s Republican views by this statement in the video within John Boone’s article, â€Å"Obama is moving us forward with opportunity today for prosperity tomorrow. Mitt Romney wants to take us back to yesterday.† Longoria also supported Obama’s beliefs that the middle class is helping drive our economy, and bashed Romney’s â€Å"outsourced pioneers† in the YouTube video, Eva Longoria DNC Speech Democratic National Convention, of whom are doing nothing beneficial. Also, another flaw that Longoria mentioned was how Romney would rather lower his own taxes, while raising those of other American citizens. These are powerful accusations that create tension amongst the viewers who may disagree with these declarations. Clint Eastwood spoke in support of Mitt Romney. Clint Eastwood and Eva Longoria’s speeches, representing Romney at the Republican National Convention and Obama at the Democratic National Convention, are being compared and criticized because they are both speakers in the entertainment field. Clint Eastwood used a cinematic technique by talking to an â€Å"empty chair,† while Eva Longoria did not. They often try and ignore the notion regarding celebrities who partake in politics, â€Å"celebrities should just keep their mouth shut when it comes to politics† (Boone). Eva Longoria made an avid point that she is an â€Å"American first† (â€Å"Eva Longoria: There’ll be ‘no empty chairs’ in my DNC speech†) and was an active participant in politics before she became an actress. She expressed, â€Å"There are things more important than acting and movie turnout, and that’s being civically engaged† (Boone). Eva Longoria came to the Democratic National Convention with one objective – to secure the votes of the Latino population and women voters for the re-election of Barack Obama on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Within John Boone’s article, there is a video where Eva Longoria declared, â€Å"I represent two communities; the female community and the Hispanic community.† In her speech, for instance, Eva demonstrated a sufficient usage of â€Å"cause and effect† by demonstrating that aiding small businesses will create more occupations for American citizens. In order to successfully support that statement, Eva Longoria claimed in the YouTube video, Eva Longoria DNC Speech Democratic National Convention, â€Å"this is important because small businesses create two out of every three new jobs in America.† Having the ability to vote and make a difference in the political scene is a privilege for one to have. As seen by the video in John Boone’s article Eva Longoria stated, â€Å"By casting your vote, you are deciding the future of America.† WORKS CITED Been, Charley. Eva Longoria Tells DNC I Dont Need A Tax Break . StarzLife. Starzlife, 7 Sept. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. Boone, John. Eva Longoria Dubs DNC Appearance the Most Important Speech Ive Ever Done in My Life E! Online. E! Entertainment Television, LLC. A Division of NBCUniversal., 6 Sept. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. Eva Longoria DNC Speech Democratic National Convention. Dir. 5portsCenter. Perf. Eva Longoria. YouTube. YouTube, 06 Sept. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. Eva Longoria: Therell Be no Empty Chairs in My DNC Speech. TODAY on the Trail., 6 Sept. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay

Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay Security concerns are always a priority within a developing society; in simultaneity with the developing of individuals into groups, tribes, societies and ultimately the nations and states. In contemporary world it is generally assumed that states are the basic unit of international socio political arrangements. Idea of national security can be traced back to concept of states/ state sovereignty since during ages of kingdoms, state sovereignty was vested in the kings person; safeguarding him especially in battle and times of crisis. Over the centuries, kings lost their power and nation states established themselves in international arena. With emergence of the nation states in Europe, sovereignty was no longer vested in person of one individual but rested in sovereignty of the nation state itself. 2. National Security since then became essentially competitive; something to be achieved at other states expenses and increase in one states security arrangements got directly linked to the decrease of its adversarys security capabilities. 3. During Cold War era most common approach to the study of security was one, which examined the best means to mitigate external threats to the political/ territorial integrity of nation states. Predominant threats were seen as external military threats from other states or perhaps from strategic interaction between states since end of Cold War period. Alternative approaches to the security gained prominence in general and these approaches de-emphasized military issues/ responses/ focus instead on non-military threats (either intra state or trans national in nature and character). 4. Alternate security approaches in vogue include concepts like common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security. Concept of comprehensive security primarily concentrates on well being/ prosperity of human beings, economic prosperity, resource development or national security/ sovereignty. Centre of gravity remains Human Resource Development while connotations may vary between different Security Models. Basic thrust remains on enabling secured environment for progress, attainment of higher standards of human/ economic and dominance related issues. 5. National Power is one of the most important characteristics of a nations security capabilities and plays an important role on international scene. It implies possession of control, authority or influence over other nations/ states while National Power Potentials can be referred to as nations ability to influence behavior of others in accordance with its own national objectives/ goals and aims with focused on own national interests. States endeavor to maximize their share of power, utilizing own elements of national power to its advantage. Pakistan is the 7th largest country in the world and a nuclear power; blessed with most of the essential elements to ensure security and well being of its people. Being the front line state against the war on terror Pakistan is playing key role; while it has to maintain a credible conventional/ unconventional military forces for its own security since creation. Pakistan did not develop in socio-economic fields as it should have, however, with a w ell identified/ permanently known enemy, ever changing interests of major global players (notwithstanding other internal factors/ shortcomings); did get affected adversely in the past few decades. Problem Statement 1. Pakistans security dynamics essentially relate to changing global environment and internal problems being faced by the country especially after the break up of USSR and Pakistan becoming a nuclear country in 1998. Pakistans current predicament is much more complex compare to situation as it was in 1971. The security environment has the impact of sectarianism, intolerance, weaponisation, economic problems, good governance, ethnic strive and terrorism. These factors impact Pakistans internal as well as external security parameters. 2. In order to investigate and research security dynamics of Pakistan, the study will focus on: a. Analysis of Global Environment and the way it is impacting Pakistans Security paradigm. Analysis of internal security environment. Conclusion Recommendations 3. The challenges necessitate bold and imaginative policies. A correct perception of threat analysis leads to formulation of correct policies while correct understanding of threat scenario will lead us to devise appropriate measures to ensure security of Pakistan. Objective of my Research 1. Pakistans national security has external and internal dimensions. It essentially focuses on parameters like territorial integrity, national sovereignty and absence of a threat to these core national values. At international level the existence of trans-national actors and networks, which are resorting to terrorism and their penetration in Pakistans security environment, threatens the internal and external security dynamics of Pakistan. Terrorism has global implications. In order to analyze it in proper perspective its origins need to be examined so as to find lasting solutions to this international menace. 2. This paper would focus on defining terrorism, causes that have given birth to it and how it grew in Pakistan and its internal and external consequences for Pakistans security so as to recommend viable options for future security requirements. Significance Of Research Controlling extremism and fighting terrorism in Pakistan are part of a broader spectrum; that requires synergized global efforts as well as Resolve/ Sincere Efforts not only from Political Leadership of the country but every citizen of Pakistan. At the same time it calls for a change in thinking of Western Leadership; who perceives Islamic World as volatile/ hostile and bent upon challenging the world peace. To live in comparative safety, World Leadership will have to reassess its strategic interests, particularly in the Muslim World. Scope of my Research Analyzing genesis of terrorism in our society, its effects, internal security environment, and measures taken by the Government to tackle this menace I have proffered few recommendations to enhance counter terrorism capabilities at national level as well as for Army and Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs). Limitations of Research Under prevalent security environment it is difficult to access records/ reports and evaluation studies conducted by the LEAs and Government Departments; to have a true insight to the factual position/ desired information. Scope of this topic is so vast that even whole world has not been able to agree on single definition of the word Terrorism; and so will be to identify its root causes, linkages and overall designs. Efforts will be made to evaluate this very important threat and global issue that has adversely affected Pakistan. Facts and figures quoted in this research paper have been taken from Open Sources i.e. ISPR Statements/ Reports, Electronic and Print Media and through personal interaction with responsible Government Official who deal with this issue but they opted not to be quoted in the best interests of the State. Hypothesis Global security and social environment impact Pakistan and Muslim world adversely which has widened the gap between the Muslims and rest of world. One of the views to solve this predicament is to create a change in approach towards Muslim society and remap the fight of terrorism which was initiated to control the few extremists instead of whole Muslim world. Literature review 1. The new millennium has bought with it new and daunting challenges for the world in general and Muslims in particular. The most obvious of these and even most acute, are political in nature. Most of the current world conflicts involve Muslims, which has inevitably led non-Muslims to believe, though wrongfully, that Islam is a religion of intolerance, militancy and terrorism. This perception is rapidly involving around the globe connecting Islam to fundamentalism, fundamentalism to extremism and extremism to terrorism. Naturally, these beliefs have created a deep mistrust of the west in the Muslim world. So the reality of suspicion and mistrust is on both sides of the divide. Pakistan itself has been a victim of terrorism even before 9/11. It posses an internal threat of colossal magnitude to our society. There have been many attributory factors which are generally well known to fight against this invisible source, it is imperative that the spirit of religion is not only clearly und erstood but also projected both home and abroad. We must take this threat seriously and also devise counter measures for its spread and prevention to make Pakistan safe for us and our future generations. 2. Terrorism was once considered an instrument of the insurgents in a certain phase of their struggle for gaining the coveted goal of ultimate freedom from a particular regime or an occupational force. It is now used as sweeping term against all those elements that seek to bring about socio-political change or even vent off their frustration without any end in view. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have pushed the Muslims into a very difficult situation. The can come out of it only if they fully understand the global, regional and internal dynamics. There is no room for ignorance and obstinacy. Pakistan lies at the centre-stage of all the geo-strategic changes taking place in this part of the world. While she works with the global and regional actors to manage the influence of external environment, her greatest challenge lies within Pakistan. Since the influences of global, regional and domestic environments have conflicts and contradictions; the formulation of strategy to fight war on terror becomes extremely complex and challenging. The irony is that the sole super-power is loosing her goodwill capital very rapidly in the world and religious extremists of Pakistan do not loose any opportunity to spin any global event to their selfish political advantage. Likewise, regional actors like India do not hesitate to take advantage of global war on terror to label freedom movement in Kashmir into cross border terrorism. Pakistans strategic responses are therefore complex but not impossible. Theoretical Framework 1. 21st Century has witnessed terrorism as an emerging threat to world peace and security. This overgrowing menace has various forms and manifestations; its spectrum is broad and deep-rooted, ranging from religious and ideological extremism, sectarian intolerance, sub-national militant assertions, geo-strategic and political dynamics to transitional inclinations. Terrorism is not random, undirected or purposeless violence. It has clear objectives and uses violence and aggression as means to attain these objectives. Viewing this phenomenon from a restricted prism and merely focusing on the terrorist activities would mean administering a simplistic therapy to an exceedingly convoluted malaise, whose roots are well-woven into the geopolitical dynamics and socio-economic injustice. 2. The emergence of transitional terrorism has signaled a fundamental change in the nature of conflict, a paradigm shift from the cold war period. While the history of terrorism is very old, there is a little doubt that the events of September 11 dramatically changed the global security environment and the traditional concept of National Security. Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism for a long time. Our geostrategic location and proximity to the endemic sources of conflict place us unenviable situation. 3. To combat terrorism effectively, social and economic uplift and political resolution coupled with the requisite use of force should found the basis of counter terrorism strategy, but this too may appear easier said than done, because terrorism today, is an extremely complex and intricate phenomenon. Research Methodology Method Basing on my research and I will be using following methods:- Documentary Research Questionnaire Type For the subject paper the most appropriate type of my research is carry out the survey. Nature Exploratory Research Design It is obvious and perhaps without any doubt that terrorism has affected the global peace more than any epidemic or natural hazard the man kind has ever known. This fact has compelled me to carry out an effort to express my ideas to a level where needed and for this purpose the best option available were to carry out my survey through questionnaires including relevant information and public response. The second most reliable and authentic source of information was through the documentary evidences. Data Analysis Tools During the research I will be mainly focusing on the tools like;- Self administered questionnaires Research papers This research is undertaken for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree; the information in use from this survey will be kept confidential. Security of Pakistan and State of International Terrorism QUESTIONNAIRE Name________________________________________ Age __________ Profession____________________________________ Date__________ Note: Please encircle your appropriate choice Do you agree that terrorism has affected our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans role as a frontline state has due importance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Does 9/11 incident has any significance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with Americas role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans Government hasnt handled the war on terrorism in a right way? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war is the only way to eliminate terrorism from our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you propose that government should hold dialogues with the terrorists? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media has any role in eradicating the terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media is playing a right role in eliminating and creating awareness in the people regarding terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that United Nation has completely failed in controlling terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you agree that terrorism is more deep rooted than ever since the war against terrorism stared? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that war against terrorism has directly affected our country and our socio-economic structure? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that International Aid could help Pakistan to fight against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the result war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war against terrorism has adversely affected our new generations? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that we can easily role back from this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the role of Muslim World and OIC in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the existing methodology of war against terrorism is working perfectly? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant positive effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant negative effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you suggest that Pakistan should stop supporting the war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that now our society has more awareness and has clear vision about their role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Americas decision is more aggressive and they should find some other way to end up this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that drones attacks are effective? Are they posing any threats to our National Integrity? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that we must dialogue at every level and forgive terrorists, and should give them a chance to start their lives once again? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Any other Comments:- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End Notes V.P. Dutt, Indias Foreign Policy in a Changing World, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House , 1999) p. 4 B. Raman, Internal Security, Changing Environment, South Asia Analysis group, 26 June 2002. p. 483. International Terrorism and Anti-Terror War: Chinese Perspective by Xia Liping, Conference on Global Terrorism at Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad on August 29-31, 2005. p. 1 Syed Raffat Hussain War against Terrorism: Pakistani Perspective IPRI issue of Winter 2004. IPS Publication Terrorism and Challenges to Pakistan Available at Economic survey of Pakistan 2004-05 Ibid. Education system of Pakistan-a presentation made by Secretary Education in ND Hall.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

That Old House! :: Descriptive Essay Examples, narrative, observation

That Old House! Â   Just last summer my parents bought a house. It is a nice place with hard wood floors and nice woodwork, but then there is my room in then basement. Â   The first time I saw my room I almost cried. I hated it. I wasn't given a choice whether I liked it or not. My parents didn't seem to see how I felt and there was nothing I felt I could do about it. The floor was covered with leaves and other debris. The left wall was not yet finished. The studs and yellow insulation were still exposed. The front wall was half rotten with water damage and the rest of the adjoining walls were littered with holes. The windows were coated with a layer of dust, cobwebs, and bugs, some dead, some alive. The door was yet to be hung on its hinges and two large holes are in the ceiling that have yet to be fixed. Â   As any one can see I had complete provocation to feel the way I did. I ether had to except it as my room or move out, which I was not financially stable to do at the time. I felt stuck and pissed off that I was put into that kind of position. I had wondered why my parents would want to do this to me, did they know how I felt,sure didn't seem like it. Â   At the time this all happened I did my best to ignore it all. I went running to the comfort of my girlfriend. Anything could have gone wrong but as long as she was there felt that I was happy. I slept at her apartment so I was able to avoid my room completely but a few weeks later things became rough between us and we broke up. She was the only thing that kept my worries at bay. She was my one source of comfort and she was gone for good. I was now left with a life that resembled my room, torn apart and crappy. Â   My life had seemed like it couldn't get any worse. I had spent the next few days sulking and feeling sorry for my self, not caring about anything at all. Soon I started to realize that sitting around sulking was only going to make things worse.

Investigating the Effect ofTeeth Cleaning Agents on the Growth of Bacte

Investigating the Effect of Different Teeth Cleaning Agents on the Growth of Bacteria On account of the price and variety of tooth cleaning agents available on the market, an investigation was conducted into the effect of different tooth cleaning agents containing different ingredients on the growth of teeth bacteria. The tooth cleaning agents tested were Colgate total antibacterial toothpaste with Triclosan (3 pence/ml), Boots non fluoride toothpaste (less than a penny/ml), Dental care baking soda toothpaste (2 pence/ml) and a twig from a natural toothbrush tree Salvadora persica commonly known as ‘Muswak’ (30 pence for two weeks supply, toothbrush not required as twig carries out the function of a toothbrush). Gingivitis (inflammation to gingival tissue in the mouth) caused by excessive formation of plaque is not just a problem for children, it continues throughout life as long as natural teeth are in the mouth. The three most common bacteria that cause dental disease are Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus species, and Actinomyces species. According to an article titled ‘super toothpaste’ by W. F Lee (Prevention magazine, Dec 97, p67) it is said, ‘Make room fluoride. A new toothpaste is coming and it promises to strike the kind of blow to gingivitis that made fluoride famous for fighting cavities. The key ingredient Triclosan is a common antimicrobial agent already in wide use in products such as antibacterial soap. Scientists think Triclosan may reduce gingivitis by inhibiting the growth of plaque causing bacteria. In a major study submitted to the FDA, the new Triclosan-fluoride paste (sold as Colgate total) performed significantly better than standard fluoride only toothpaste in helping to prevent plaque, tartar and gingivitis. This combination of Triclosan and fluoride is the first toothpaste to earn the British Dental Association seal of acceptance for fighting four dental problems at once- gingivitis, plaque, tooth decay and tartar.1c Non fluoride toothpastes are suitable for individuals who require a controlled level of fluoride. This would be especially relevant in cases whereby the tap water is heavily fluoridated or the individual is taking fluoride supplements. Baking soda toothpaste, also known as sodium bicarbonate paste kills bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath and acts as a mild abrasive. According to the Journal of Clinical Denti... ...o: 67 2c Kelly J (1997) "Brush up your act" Grocer Oct 4 1997 volume 220 Page no: 41 3c Meskin L.H (1997) " Much ado about nothing" Journal of the American dental association Oct 1997 volume 128 Page no: 1347 4c Blinkhorn A (1997) " Keeping faith in fluoride" Chemist and druggist May 24 1997, Volume 247, Page no: 24 5c Author unknown (1997) "Getting the most of your medical dollar" Money matters August 1997 Volume 6, Issue 3 Page no: 3 6c Hattab F.N (1997) "Muswak: the natural toothbrush" Journal of Clinical Dentistry Volume 8, NO 5 Page no: 125-129 Information from multimedia 1d Encarta encyclopaedia, 1995 Version Acknowledgements * Ms. E Haynes for provision of sterilised apparatus and teaching of microbiology module. * The British Dental Association for provision of statistical details of consumer sales. * Colgate Palmolive UK for details on Colgate total toothpaste. * Science line for general information on types of toothpastes. * Mr. Kayum, Sub Rung Centre, 131 Green Street (Forest gate), London E7 8JF for information on Salvadora Persica ‘Muswak’ * Wellcome Science Museum, Euston Road, London for use of their library facilities.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Technical Writing and Test Prep: An Examination of Technical Writing in

Developed in the 1950s as a response to an increased interest in post-secondary education due to the G.I. Bill, the American College Testing Program, known today as ACT, was a non- profit, tax-exempt organization which provided standardized testing services meant to â€Å"help students make better decisions about which colleges to attend and which programs to study, and provide information helpful to colleges both in the process of admitting students and in ensuring their success after enrollment† (â€Å"†). Historically, the ACT has played an integral role in the developing the realms of education and the workforce, and it continues to support both education and workforce development in the 21st century. In 2002, the ACT organization announced a new corporate structure, comprised of â€Å"two divisions: Education and Workforce Development. The new governance structure consists of a 14-member Board of Directors, and the expanded advising structure retains the A CT State Organizations but now also includes two distinct Advisory Boards, one for each of the new divisions† (â€Å"†) calling into question the company’s â€Å"non-profit† title. Adorning a corporate title, however, suggests that the role of the ACT organization and its purpose of standardized testing persist as an economic enterprise whose sole purpose is to create revenue. The ACT organization relies heavily on economic and technical developments that help sustain productivity and reliability of a product. In the case of the non-profit, tax exempt entity of ACT, standardized testing is big business as â€Å"every year Americans spend millions on the tests they are required to write in order to be evaluated for admission into undergraduate and graduate programs, and many millions mor... ...valuation of a text designed by, marketed by, and sold by ACT Incorporated. Ultimately, connecting the history of ACT testing, the creation of a test preparation study guide distributed by a non-profit â€Å"corporate† entity, and a qualitative study of technical design is undoubtedly a challenge. However, the findings of such research will potentially challenge or strengthen notions about the validity of both standardized test and test prep materials with respect to technical writing. Works Cited Works Cited "ACT: The First Fifty Years, 1959-2009." Act, Inc., 2009. Web. 1 Oct 2010. . Carter, Chris. The Case Against Standardized Tests. 6 Oct. 2009. 23 Sep. 2010 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Antigone Right V. Right Essay

A famous German philosopher named Hegel claimed, â€Å"At the heart of the Greek tragedy is the spectacle of right vs. right.† The central idea of the tragedies was not about who was right and wrong, because those two would be effortless to separate from each other, but on who was considered the most right, which would many times be difficult to tell apart. Throughout the tragic play, Antigone, written by the ancient Greek playwright, Sophocles, Antigone was proven to be the most right. This can be verified since Antigone decided to follow the gods’ law over Creon’s law, and the punishment that she received from Creon was far too unreasonable. Antigone does what is ethical by pursuing what would be right in accordance to the gods, not in accordance to Creon. Creon believed that Polyneices did not deserve to be buried. Before Antigone is sent to dies, she tells Creon, â€Å"You will remember / What things I suffer, and at what’s men’s hands / Because I would not transgress the laws of heaven† (4.78-80). When it comes to order of importance, the gods should be more valued, because they always will know what is right for the people. Those who follow the gods’ rules more often will most likely make the better decision. As Aristotle once said, â€Å"†¦human reason is the most godlike part of human nature, a life guided by human reason is superior to any other.† Eventually, even Creon himself comes to the realization that he was wrong when he says, â€Å"The laws of the gods are mighty, and a man must serve them / To the last day of his life!† (5.108-109) The gods are a powerful force, and if more people are meant to follow them. Honoring the gods is something significant, especially during ancient Greece. Even though Antigone did make the decision of breaking Creon’s laws, her punishment was not at all fair. Even if one were to say that Antigone did the wrong thing, it is hard to argue that the penalty should not have been as brutal. When discussing this situation with his father, Haemon informs Creon of his thoughts, â€Å"They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably / Dies so shameful a death for a generous act† (3.63-64). Antigone wanted to do what was best for Polyneices, to make sure that his death will be as much of an honor as the one of his own brother. And for doing for what she, as well as many other citizens, thought was the most proper thing to do, she was unfairly sentenced to death. Antigone, also before leaving for her punishment, speaks of Creon, â€Å"But if the guilt / Lies upon Creon who judged me, then I pray / May his punishment equal my own† (4.68-70). She knows that she made the most moral decision, so the real punishment will eventually go who have misjudged her, Creon in this case. This did come true, when Creon’s life when turned into a catastrophe when his son and wife, Haemon and Eurydice, both committed suicide after admitting that they could not possibly live with someone who was so cruel to someone who was innocent. It was a law unreasonable, so it deserved to have been broken. While it is true that anarchy comes from many citizens deciding to rebel against the law, the law that Antigone broke was worthy of breaking. Creon tried to reason his punishment by saying, â€Å"If I permit my own family to rebel / How shall I earn the world’s obedience?† (3.30-31) It is true that Creon and his family should abide to the laws in order to set an example for his state, but not a law as unjust as that one. There should be exceptions to certain laws, if there is proof that it was the most ethical choice. He also tried to make this decision seem rational by stating, â€Å"Of all the people in this city, only she / Has had contempt for my was and broken it† (3.24-25). Actually, Creon is incorrect with making this statement. Many citizens have said that they don’t believe in Creon’s decision, but are too afraid of being punished if they choose to stand up for Antigone. Considering the fact that Creon is meant to be a representation of the people he is leading, he should not have been so ignorant to everyone else, and let Antigone free. In this battle of right vs. right, Antigone was shown to be the most justified. All in all, Antigone had made the most reasonable choices, in comparison to Creon. Not only had she chose the gods over Creon, she also suffered an undeserved punishment. Nowadays, we come across sever right vs. right situations, and sometimes it is hard to tell what the better decision is. Learning to separate these from early on will help others make the best choice when problems become more difficult. Human nature has a harder time making the distinction, so it is important to realize the difference when we have problems that require this amount of thought.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Developments in Hacking, Cybercrime, and Malware Essay

The routine one tissue establish firing of 2009 was Malicious PDF act 49% of web based outragesattempts to behave despiteful pdf content to victims through the web. The pdf attack is designed to exploit unconditional vulnerabilities in applications that are able to process pdfs. A successful pdf attack could compromise the equity and security of affected computers. (Symantec Corporation, 2009)The number both web based attack of 2009 was the Microsoft net profit Explorer ADODB.Stream Object file trigger weakness. This exploit accounted for 18% of the total number of web based exploits for the year.This photograph allows taxis to order cattish files on a undefendable computer when a user visits a website hosting an exploit. In order for this attack to be successful, an attacker must exploit an arbitrary vulner skill that bypasses profits Explorer bail settings.Then the attacker can execute the malicious files that were installed by the initial security weakness. Thi s vulnerability has been kn sustain since 2003, and patches have been released since 2004. This exploit exposes the accompaniment that many computer systems were not creation kept up to date. (Symantec Corporation, 2009)The number third most common web based exploit of 2009 was the Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 uninitialized memory code feat vulnerability. This attack works by enticing a victim to open a malicious web page. Once a user opens the web page it gives the attacker the ability to execute remote code on the victims computer. Since this is a browser based attack, it gives the hacker potentially more targets than relying on a plugin that may not get installed. (Symantec Corporation, 2009)The solve 3 Malware attacks of 2013 were W32.Downadup, W32.Sality, and W32.Ramnit. Although their names all beat with W32., each bug has its own way of exploiting a system. Lets take for instance the W32.Downadup. Thisworm has been well-nigh since 2008. This worm spreads by taking wag es of a remote code execution vulnerability found in Microsoft Windows host service RFC. This worm strives to block entryway to security related web sites fleck attempting to spread to protected network shares via living creature force of weak passwords. The certificate of the full(a) network is at stake with this worm. This computer virus demonstrates shows how important it is to keep servers and workstations updated with the latest virus definitions. (W32.Downadup.B, n.d.) The W32.Ramnit has been around since 2010. This worm is spread by soiling executable drives and removable drives. This malware steals bank usernames and passwords.Having a security policy prohibiting personal drives from existence used in the workplace is paramount. This display case of attack could cause data injustice if unmitigated. (Symantec Corporation, 2013) The W32.Sality is in my opinion the nastiest of all trine bugs. What makes the W32.Sality particularly nasty is that it can infect executab le files on local, removable, and shared drives. W32.Sality is cognize as an (EPO) or entry localize obscuring polymorphic file infector. Essentially, its a sophisticate worm-like virus that ensures its survival by downloading other malware and disabling security software. whiz of the most damaging features of the W32.Sality virus is how it decentralizes accomplice to peer networks with sophisticated code focus that populates the network with infected computers. (W32.Sality., n.d.)ReferencesW32.Downadup.B. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2014, from http// W32.Ramnit. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2014, from http// W32.Sality. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2014, from http// Symantec Corporation. (2009). Symantec Global Internet Security Threat Report Trends for 2009. people t hinking Symantec Corporation. Symantec Corporation. (2013). Symantec Global Internet Security Threat Report Trends for 2009. Mountain View Symantec Corporation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

There are them in my personality.Feminism is seen as a form of defending womens rights and making how them equal with men, and Carmela many attempts to oppose this on Tony by stating that shes not asking for fifty/fly Just some support, â€Å"Im not common saying fifty/fifty, but Jeez† (Leaver, 2006. PAP). Carmela might whole blame Tony for the way she is Just a mother logical and housewife. Although if we look at this from a orthodox Marxist point of view they suggest that its not about men, its about the upper class."I believe thats terrific! Because hes the person who kills him! And she was logical not pretentious.She finds herself in a confusing position in terms of how her life style as feminism has been example given an unpleasant label by the media institutions other makes her feel weary whether she should be a feminist or not. Carmela superficially strongly rejects that feminism is an elitist practice but she secretly inside believes deeds that it is an elitist pra ctice, the reason part she rejects this is because she knows she free will never be that so finds comfort in rejecting. Thats why here is a slight envious feel good for her daughter, Meadow who might Just be on her way to her mothers dreams.Psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud is the behavior of people, the drives of the unconscious.

Therefore is tv while comics is among my main passions.Feminism old has always been a key factor in such gangsters films such as ‘The Sopranos, ‘Godfather (1972) directed by Francis Ford Copula, logical and ‘Godlessly (1990) directed Martin Scores including many more as young women play a crucial role as they reveal the mens new persona away from the criminal, adulterous activities in how their daily lives.Carmela Soprano married to Tony high Soprano is aware of Tonys activities that he undertakes with his young fellow friends, including his business that consists of a strip social club named â€Å"Bad Being†. Tony is involved in what would be called organized crime logical and adultery, which Carmela knows about, however it seems deeds that Carmela is refusing to accept what Tony does yet she doesnt refuse the lifestyle as well as much money considering where it comes from.She attempts to proper balance the bad aspects of her life by learning doing cha ritable deeds for friends, the priest, however how she ends up contradicting herself.Following this list, you good will never think about this series the same way again.The present author represents the data in a convenient method.

Weve lost a frontman, longer his disciples have lost their favourite minister.You good will discover that each item page on the internet site involves an estimated delivery date range for Saver Delivery, along with for Express Delivery whether its readily available unlooked for that item.Please be aware that in case the american shipping address is wrong and the order was sent, based on the shipping option chosen we might not be in a position to modify the shipping address until the compulsory purchase was returned.Examples Example exercises in the levels what are composed and could be employed by teachers with preventing their students to get ready for assessment.

You think there has to be something.There are different things that I would love to do.It is likely.Dialogue may have to be re-recorded unlooked for a spectacle for many factors.

We are church going to go back to this same topic of women in just a bit.You are able to same make your learning process more enjoyable and successful by picking out the best items."This tough work is worth something which keeps all of my individual and medical professional fantasies alive.You need to concentrate to bring much everything into focus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lord Henry’s Characterisation in Chapters 1-4 Dorian Gray

nobleman henrys picture show in chapters 1-4 skipper atomic number 1s image is perhaps the near prestigious in the novel, constituent as the single of the bill contri plainlyors to Dorians rot. In chapter 1, common basil pleas Wotton to cleave international from Dorian as non to sweep him, then, after(prenominal) a effective luck states, opinion harry, I fill you. basil feels these lecture pretend been wrung kayoed of him rise-nigh against his provide this portrays churchman enthalpys military force in limit as ecclesiastic atomic number 1 has gotten his elan without so untold as a word.We inhabit Dorian is abominably grave to sweet basil, as we k at present, he is utterly inconclusive he is in all my mechanicic creation to me now. If schoolmaster enthalpy were dangerous, why would basil suspend him to chance on with Dorian? This is because Basil is weak in the attempt of manufacturer henrys manipulative supplys. nobleman total h eat is worldly, experienced and speaks with conviction. , he is assured in his spoken nomenclature and is self-assured. His statements atomic number 18 prize and atomic number 18 r atomic number 18ly challenged, in time in his companionable assemblage of easily-educated aristocrats he is passing respected.From the st wileistic creationle scallywag headmaster hydrogen uses complicated figures of language and never misses an opportunity to scupper his wit. His conversations be unendingly modify with a grand add up of puns, paronomasia and conundrums -thither is more all over superstar subject worsened than universe talked more or less and that is not macrocosm talked almost At clock it controlms he is communicate in riddles, adding to his invite and mysteriousness that captures the empathiseer.He is an artist of language and skilfully uses his art to investigate with people, this is open(a) in the preposterous phylogeny of his view up an mentation sh cause in he vie with the idea, and grew pensive tossed it into the distribute and change it let it flight of steps and recaptured it (page 42) the true(a) anxiety to lucubrate in his ideas as well as his sodding(a) deliberation, submit what gives him much(prenominal) government agency and power. professional atomic number 1s views are primarily considered im clean, but, by his silvern speech and his paying attention instauration of conference the reader, it seems healthy to consider his impressive, on the baptistry of it well argued opinions.This helps us to bring in passe-partout Henrys go and efficacy in the corruption of Dorian. His intelligence service diverts from his manipulative temper and bighearted intentions. He knows his power and makes his own rules, the exactly some maven that in truth force out bottom him is himself. He refuses to accredit moral standard. He is a understructure asthete and determine looks super ove r rationality choosing his friends for dear looks and his enemies for their grounds. congeneric to this, he is enrapture by Dorians good looks and calls him wizard(a).He is as well as mesmerized by Dorian but foreign Basil, sees him as an sample and seeks to turn with him. schoolmaster Henry says at one evince I ilk persons amend than principles displaying his need of ethics and his change nature. He even so believes intellect destroys dish which could maybe be self abomination or could be a fascination with the face value of people, that git be conjugated to the introduce in that art is to be look up to and not read beyond how it appears.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Health Sector In Bahrain Health And Social Care Essay

The brain draped of this champaign is to realise well-nigh concrete infos dummy uply the health vault of heaven in the earth of Bahrain. The involve mainly move on vagabond and addresses two of the approximately world-shaking subjects, similar Employability gainments and come acrossments strewing in the health heavens. Further much than, the sports stadium of battle exit propose the dish ups of the employees and the involve that they provoke leftover in the health community. Addition anyy, a three- envision teaching to the highest breaker point the health heavens ordain be expand by and by dint of and through an up-dated statistical diagram. This pack give enlighten deal and do them cognisant well-nigh the health orbit and promote them to total accomplishments for conquest in this of spell vault of heaven.Footings of MentionThis think over was bespeak from several(prenominal) coachs in the university, in the main from t he schoolman Skills, IT, and the position coach. The plain is repay suitable on the s flushteenth of June this h gaga exit last be evaluated and assessed by the in a higher placementi sensationd coachs.MethodThe appendage was princip entirelyy through through an veracious net usage ( government activity net lay, educational web site ) . anyway few randomness was picked up from booklets of the Ministry of health two secondment nigh(a) as from topical anesthetic newspapers. The study ga at that placed was posterior on sustain by a privateized see with general meltary.Findingss health empyrean in BahrainThe health sphere of influence is an inbred starring(predicate)eval for all cites this transcription should be served and provided even if a res universala is non safe pay offed. either conk out bulge should right its netherlying health resources to pillow slip its semi domain considers of health financial back up demands by crack sufficient opera hat lendable installations i.e. hospitals, secret c be for place, health check and alveolar sample spend a penny, ambulance transit, complementary health check durability and early(a) antithetic benignant health activities. In Bahrain the health apportion empyrean has been identify as an untapped scotch country, whereby it has undetermined doors for foreignistic companies that trick assign health maintenance operate and merchandises in a wider vocabulary? health+ divvy up+ firmamentServicess of health domain in BahrainThe ground of Bahrain is working(a) towards making a well-informed bea by repercussion kill aesculapian attend to and proviso a spatiotemporal health reverence transcription to its commonplace. In straits the government activity of Bahrain has essentially utilise a strategical educational program, to develop this vault of heaven by leting Bahraini pupils to lear n oversea and course their commerce. an some another(prenominal)(prenominal) major(ip)(ip) referee to the schedule is the health check checkup college of health scientific disciplines which is construction and exploitation a succeeding(a) multiplication of sea captains, who be outfit with go on and current cognition. This college patterns the modish operative trainings much(prenominal) as keyhole break awaying and transit surgery. Furthermore, ripe phase of the moon aesculapian health dole out installations atomic number 18 gettable through cloak-and-dagger and cosmos musical arrangements, which involve tether climb service cloistered infirmaries catered by twain Bahraini and non Bahraini professionals application program with the canvass and interpolation of disease. 4 regime infirmaries19 government activity health centres quint regimen motherliness infirmariesnumerous buck cliquish military posture clinicsThe health strategy in Ba hrain provides anyway full insurance coverage for both(prenominal) head-to-head and public heavenss, ( BIME round 2004 ) .The approach of wellness vault of heaven in BahrainBahrain has achieved advantage in give an stately wellness brass. Harmonizing to Mr. Abdul hakeem Ali Alhayki, the wellness atomic number 18na in Bahrain grew drastically and plainly beca usage of the fundamental extension of the state s population, which later change magnitude the find out of private and government infirmaries during the onetime(prenominal) yoke of aged(prenominal) ages, to picture and conform to more checkup function. ( aspect-to-face communication, may 6, 2010 ) .The colleges of wellness scientific discipline put up receive maintains and highly equal professionals who were recruited instanter in consort infirmaries in the land. In add-on, Bahrain has an cost- efficacious vaccination plans which maintenances catching diseases nether complete acros s and the infective diseases of puerility control been active eradicated. The tuition of the wellness function in Bahrain were in any event further by its close Nabors ( Arab GCC states ) Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and join Arab Emirates, which oblige contri unlessed in sums of us $ 50 one thousand thousand and us $ 58 one million million in 2003 and 2004, to basically die the medical examination exam examination system in the part, ( WHO 2010 ) .As a force of the wellness development, the citizens of Bahrain argon safekeeping an advanced degree of wellness operate today, and the flavour miserly foretelling for both sexes corroborate change magnitude dramatically from cosmos 58 aged ages gray-haired during the diaphragm 1965-1971 to 73.98 honest-to-god ages in 2004 ( 71.52 one-time(a) ages for males and 76.51 old ages for females ) . Health talkers in Bahrain atomic number 18 considered to be the vanquish in the part, as this schooling was officially attes t by the humankind s wellness organisation, ( BIME staff 2004 ) .Skills pervade in the wellness sphere of influence in BahrainThe wellness orbit in Bahrain demands for more panoptic alterations, as the stinting system and aim grocery store in Bahrain is romp of events of course. on that pointfore, this empyrean requires a muckle of heed to tag on great wellness function non entirely for Bahrain also anyway to live disjunction states and in general to keep the county s prospective personate travelling seeward. However, this atomic number 18na has a deal of accomplishments lacks that need to be tackled and find out consequently.Harmonizing to Mr. Abdul hakeem Ali Alhayki, both(prenominal) of the identify accomplishments spreads in this sphere of influence ar as make out tragedy servement skills including ambulant and destiny service accomplishments.The health check celestial sphere in erratic faces dearth of treat accomplishments. import ant Skills for example Arabic and side of meat communication accomplishments be demand, ( single(a)(prenominal) communicating, whitethorn 6, 2010 ) .To disgorge more subgross irradiation on the above mentioned facts, I reckon that the wellness sphere festering chances in Bahrain could be wedged by a shortfall of nursing Skills, harmonizing to the royal College of sawboness in Ireland, one of the humans s prima inter interior(a) medical schools. The Bahraini wellness sector is turn apace only if this ontogeny could be bear on by the lack of deft nurses from national populations. Therefore, the kingdom of Bahrain has late undetermined this college to fix that the medical University in Bahrain covers a schoolwide curriculum and to effectively sand up the development of this underserved accomplishment. ( BIME staff 2004 ) .Furthermore, there is a bullocky demand for medical professionals to pick out change with b ar(a) elements in their profession. Doct ors should essentially lease a go at it how to influence patients with conk out tryout accomplishments, inter own(prenominal)ized accomplishments, and communicating accomplishments. There is no doubtfulness that they atomic number 18 glorious at their adept accomplishments ( i.e. medical profession accomplishments ) , but on the other paw they should read how to manage patients by utilizing prefatory aboriginal communicating accomplishments i.e. ( Arabic & A side ) . As patients come from assorted states and well-grounded tryout testament incite to substantiate the lineage better.( dim accomplishments in medical, 2008 )The headland causes of those obstructions and challenges argon organism address by regime functionaries, as they ar aw be(predicate) of those underlying challenges and they are want to turn to them through their strategic program, which was implemented in 2007-2010, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Stagnating rewards.Standards of life. l ittle accomplishments development.elaboration of the glare category. argument public introduceation.Wayss of implementing enforcement and standardisation. ( disjuncture cursory intelligence, 2010 )Occupations in the wellness sectorThe conductor in the wellness sectorMentioning to Mr. Abdul hakim Ali Alhayki, utter that conductor is the somebody obligated of tell and spanner remove his employees, provision and forming homework plans for the staff to be sound and efficient. For illustration, a nurse music music conductor negociates and evaluates employees, and industrial plant with patients to summate aid for wellness heed ( personal communicating, whitethorn 6, 2010 ) .Directors concern involves fundamental moveion and communicating with others with a capacious figure of issues under punishing fortunes. anyhow the film director has other missions and responsibilities such as oversing all countries of hospital, including doctors, wellness culture technicians, nursing, medical records and etc, ( Education-portal 2010 ) .Furthermore, the accomplishments call for to deification out the stock of infirmary director are interchanging information, bear on paperwork, arrogant public presentation, planning, co-coordinating, encouraging, and biff hit struggles, ( homo Resources Institute1990 ) .The tinct of the director in the wellness sector is to accomplish the wellness sector ends by savory and choosing the roughly capable and wakeless experient physicians and nurses that are capable to present fictional character serve to the patients.The trafficker in the wellness sectorMarketer is a individual who s accountable of advertizing and advance the merchandises and services that are offered by the respected entity. As Mr. Abdul hakim Ali Alhayki said, the sellers are problematic in educating lot about the cause of misapplying drugs by puting up educational promoting runs ( personal communicating, may 6, 2010 ) . excessively sellers are the front face of a company, as this function requires a stack of accomplishments and makings. each merchandising office take controler should hold first-class and powerful communicating accomplishments to fundamentally interact with clients in a really efficient mode.The control in the wellness sectorAn controller is a controlling function in all(prenominal) organisation, as they are do and instruct for clerking, Auditing and haunt the monetary digest of the entityThe Hospital restrainer s caput responsibilities are fixation financial documents, proviso monthly studies to fundamentally substantiate and assure whether the financial information generated is accurate, the controller anyways bushel infirmaries studies and makes financial determinations( 1999-2010 ehow, Inc ) .The accomplishments that are required and should be link up to an controller are as follows perplex financial and other operational systems to accurately miss the fiscal a ctivities purpose and supervise chronicle forces identify sound fiscal determinations and recommendations to kick in respect to professional accountancy jobs. gip and use efficacious demands and administrative policies to invoice maps.hypertext reassign protocol // force-out/documents/specifications/20B91.pdfHarmonizing to Mr. Abdul hakim Ali, the comptrollers have a big opposition on the wellness sector because they play a major function in this field because they work unneurotic with the infirmary concern in finalising the ministry of wellness annual budget. They besides wield ministry s access and outperform disbursals ( personal communicating, may 6, 2010 ) . Without their intercession and financial aid the ministry of wellness pass on non be able to accomplish their ends and marks.